Margaret Aldridge

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Helping my fellow epilepsy community

Hero Name: magpie 
Purple Power:  baking,cooking ,craft ect 
Hero Mission: I’m saving the day this March for the 270,000 people in Australia facing the challenges of epilepsy by participating in Make March Purple for medical supplies and services 🥰

All heroes need their Sidekicks, so please show your support by donating to my page. All funds raised will provide information, education and training and vital support services to people living with epilepsy.

Thank you for your support!

My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Made a Self Donation
($27 or more)

Reached Fundraising Target

Reached $1,000 in Donations

Reached $2,000 in Donations

My Updates

Total donations after bake sale day 3

Sunday 23rd Mar
Hey everyone happy to say after my third day of the bake sale we raised a total of $175 

Help me raise funds for my fellow epilepsy community

Thursday 20th Feb
This march i will be spending a few days out front of my place with Home made bakes treats for both human's and Thier doggie family members, I'll also have a few hand made or hand  decorated crafts and other things available for sale to raise funds for my fellow epilepsy community 

Thank you to my Sponsors


People Driving And Walking Past


Friends And Neighbours


Margaret Aldridge


Friends And Family Bake Sale Day 1